Healthcare and the Surface Pro 3

…And so continues my enthusiasm over Microsoft’s new “laplet.”
I recently wrote a blog post titled, “Finally, the Perfect Computer for Nursing Students,” which discusses why I think the Surface Pro 3 is ideal for nurses. I received an explosion of emails from my fellow nurses with questions. So exciting!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Surface Pro 3. I have researched the product using the internet and I have tested it out by driving up to Best Buy and spending too many hours playing with the one on display.
As a recap: the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is a no-brainer for nursing and nurse practitioner students. It’s perfect for portability, note taking, recording lectures, creating video presentations, and bringing with you to clinicals. And, BONUS, (for all those infection control nurses) the screen and type cover are sanitizable.
I truly believe this product will revolutionize healthcare.
Seattle Children’s Hospital, for example, has replaced their laptops with Surface Pro 3s. The clinicians can now carry them to patient’s rooms, take their notes, access the electronic medical record, and provide patient education. Doesn’t it just sound like a dream? Watch this video to see how they did it:
The University of Pitt Medical Center has also integrated the Surface Pro 3 into their delivery of care. They are utilizing Convergence, one of the many healthcare apps available on the Surface. Aegis Living, an assisted living facility, uses the Surface to eliminate paper-based prescriptions. No doubt, the environment is holding a triumphant fist in the air.
I am personally familiar with using AllScripts for electronic prescribing, and I know they have an app on the Surface. Awesome! Look at the screenshots below. Doesn’t it just seem too good to be true? It’s so exciting to me to have the possibility of ultra portability combined with the power of a desktop computer.
I have a feeling that if Seattle Children’ Hospital, The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and Aegis Living can find a way to use the Surface Pro 3 to enhance patient care, so can many other healthcare groups. Let me know if you have a Surface and how you use it in your hospital or clinic!
Questions about the confusing computer jargon like CPU, RAM, processor, memory, solid state drive? Read my post “Computer Specs Made Easy.” Feel free to email me with questions too. I love hearing from my readers!
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